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Autumn Swatches

A Hub for Tan/Medium-Deep Complexions

Celebrity Color IQ

BACKGROUND:Though Sephora's Color IQ belongs to Sephora and I am not an affiliate of the company or brand, I have been intrigued with this tool since the day I learned how it worked. In addition to archiving shades, I also pay attention to celebrities' foundation shades as reported by the starts themselves or the makeup artists who work with them. Using the foundation shades they noted, I looked up the corresponding Color IQs and matched them to the celebs below. As a disclaimer though, you should keep in mind several factors: 1) Many makeup artists use multiple shades on a celebrity. 2) People's skin tones can change over the course of the year. 3p) Sometimes bronzers and tanning (or lack thereof) may affect the way the foundation shade looks, 4) Multiple people of different complexions might where the same foundation shade, 5) Celebrities were photographed in different lighting conditions and that may affect the shade they appear at any given time. Keep all of this in mind because the Color IQ listed for the star below may not reflect how the star looks in the picture selected below. Use this more for a starting point and entertainment to find your celebrity shade twin and then find other foundations in that shade range.
NOTE: Celebrities below are listed in Alphabetical order by first name. Use the menu drop-downs, sliders, or search bar to find particular people or Color IQs. Multiple Color IQs are not yet listed in this finder because I do not know which celebs are associated with those shades yet; I plan to update this as I find out more celebrity foundation shades. Influencers and celebrities who would like your information added or edited, please e-mail Caramel Swatches.
INSTRUCTIONS: You can use the table below to search for celebrities by Color IQ or name.  Once you have your celebrity shade twin, I would recommend you follow that celebrity and their makeup artist on Instagram for even more foundation shade references!


About Me


I'm Autumn, a makeup hobbyist who values efficiency and equality. I have a husband, a day job, and a Sephora Rouge account! (E-mail)

Color IQs: 1y11, 2y11, 3y11, 4y11


Autumn Swatches

A Hub for Tan/Medium-Deep Complexions
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